Can Kindness Change the World: Encouraging a Culture of Empathy

Rating: All Ages

We see it every day. It is practically thrown in our faces. The world is being torn apart by fear. But what would happen if we shared the kindness and goodness we see in the world? With all the negative and the bad in the world, can kindness truly make a difference? Can kindness really change the world? A documentary from The Adventures of Pookie LLC, produced by author Rebecca Yee-Peters, shares the idea that one act of kindness can create a ripple effect that can eventually change the world. With guest appearances by Brooke Allison, Jonathan Masiulionis, Jan Foster, Mandy Rohr, and Nadishka Aloysius, and many kids who let us into their minds, we are proud to introduce you to our mission to spread love and kindness in the world. Special Thanks to Queen Chioma Nworgu Narrated by Bill Mehner Music by Visit and for more info and learn how to get involved in the Mission Fat Hearts Movement.

Adventures of Pookie Entertainment

Can Kindness Change the World: Encouraging a Culture of Empathy | FaithChannel We see it every day. It is practically thrown in our faces. The world is being torn apart by fear. But what would happen if we shared the kindness and goodness we see in the world? With all the negative and the bad in the world, can kindness truly make a difference? Can kindness really change the world? A documentary from The Adventures of Pookie LLC, produced by author Rebecca Yee-Peters, shares the idea that one act of kindness can create a ripple effect that can eventually change the world. With guest appearances by Brooke Allison, Jonathan Masiulionis, Jan Foster, Mandy Rohr, and Nadishka Aloysius, and many kids who let us into their minds, we are proud to introduce you to our mission to spread love and kindness in the world. Special Thanks to Queen Chioma Nworgu Narrated by Bill Mehner Music by Visit and for more info and learn how to get involved in the Mission Fat Hearts Movement.

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